THE BUNNY CHRONICLES - a History of Hugh Hefner & the Empire He Built - Playboy Magazine
HOSTED by ECHO JOHNSON Miss January '93 & CORINNA HARNEY-PMOY '92The show takes a DEEP DIVE into the fascinating history of PLAYBOY with LASER FOCUS on Hugh Hefner. A collective of dynamic conversations with those that had the privilege and honor of working with HUGH HEFNER & the magazine. An homage to the incredible MAN behind it all, as told from the ones that were an intricate part of the iconic company PLAYBOY. The magazine was launched in 1953 and held strong for 60 years until HEF's passing in 2017 . The massive impact the publication had on our world is undeniable. Playboy Magazine in and of itself was responsible for revolutionary social & cultural changes. The magazine consistently produced cutting edge journalistic material & the cherry on top were the Centerfolds known as Playboy Playmates. Guests ranging from Butlers & Security @ the Mansion to PLAYBOY STAFF Photographers, Editors, Writers, Bunnies, Celebrities and of course the Playmates! SUBSCRIBE NOW-Don't miss a beat! Echo & Corinna
THE BUNNY CHRONICLES - a History of Hugh Hefner & the Empire He Built - Playboy Magazine
Rogue Bunnies & The Bunny Chronicles Podcasts: Dynamic - Funny - Insightful Conversation Takes Place ...
Welcome to a dual a unique show! Corinna and Echo sit down with our fellow Playmate Sister Victoria Fuller and Brian Olea, former Playboy Mansion Butler and co-host to Victoria Fuller and Jennifer Pershing from the podcast "Rogue Bunnies Mayhem."
Who are the Rogue Bunnies? Founder and Creative MasterMind Victoria Fuller has brought this super unique project to life, and it continues to unfold into a dynamic artistic venture that has only just begun. The Rogue Bunnies is a bad-ass, women-led Web3 project from 100 Playmates that have gone "rogue." Once a Playmate, always a Playmate, but officially the Rogue Bunnies have no affiliation with Playboy. These days the landscape for the Playmates has changed dramatically, and we decided to take control of our valuable IP and create something new for our legions of existing fans.
Victoria Fuller, Miss January 1996, has reunited the Playmates to bring the Rogue Bunnies to the metaverse. The Rogue Bunnies identity emerged as the perfect union between the "rogue" nature of the Playmates and their playful and iconic bunny history. Hugh Hefner's focus on community building resonated with Victoria and this is evident in her vision to build meaningful connections among the Rogue Bunnies and community members in the metaverse.
Brian Olea not only was a key player at the Playboy Mansion as a Butler and Head of Event Production for a span of 20 years. Brian also had a wildly successful show on PB Radio called "The Mayhem Continues," and he collaborated with Victoria to bring their podcast to the masses. Make sure you follow their show and support The Rogue Bunnies.
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The Bunny Chronicles Podcast & all of its entities are neither endorsed nor affiliated with PLBY GROU...
Okay. 2, 1, alright. We are live. Yep, we're live. So you wanna go ahead and do a countdown, so start the show, whatever you wanna do. Okay, ready? All right. Okay, so just real quick. I am giving this audio to Brett. I saw Brett this morning. And so he's going to split it up like we normally do. I did tell Echo on a phone call on my way here that I would throw in the teases like the breaks that we do Victoria, but those will be cut out of the feed that you guys use for your show. Cool. Alright, well then I am going. You what? or without you can even put them on when you need them if you need them for something and late because they're nice off But then I saw Keep them on keep them on. Yeah, I put my contacts in Yeah, keep them on right. Are you wearing your key too? you're not. He's wearing all the GURT. I wearing the lip? The key is battle. wearing our key. I didn't you didn't tell me to wear the key. I would have wore the key. Damn it. I didn't think about it. Son of a bit. I'll be right back. It'll be about an hour. There we go. Just hold on guys. Just hold on guys, I'll be right back. All right, so we're all good. I'm hoping, I keep checking my wifi is fully going, but I do see you guys every so often. I hear you talk, like your talking doesn't stop, it's just your picture freezes. so what I'm gonna tell you with this, don't worry about that because it's uploading all of us at the same time. When it's all said and done, it will be clear. Don't worry about it. Gotcha. Okay. So yeah, it's just a different format. Usually we use StreamYard and this is Riverside FM, right? Okay. All right. You tell me when you guys are ready. my landline at this time. phone! Phones off. It's on, it's on, my cell phone is, but I need to turn, I don't even know how to turn off. I still have a landline. I don't even know how to turn it off. How the heck do I turn it off? I know. I can't get rid of it. We're so ridiculous. have a, we're like, it's sentimental. I can't stop with it. Do you remember trying to like, do you remember trying to talk on the phone and like see how far you could stretch the damn cord? Yeah, and then you'd be laying on the ground. yeah, here we go. yeah, those were the days. My first boyfriend, I would talk on the phone. That's cord. Yep. All right, you tell me when you guys okay, I'm going to start ready. Hey, I'm Brian Olea and I'm excited that we're finally gonna freaking do this. You have just tuned into the Rogue The Bunny Mayhem slash Bunny Chronicles show. I hope I could say that ladies, right? Yeah. And we've got, of course, Victoria's with us, you know what I mean? And then we've got from Bunny Chronicles, we've got Corinna Harney Jones and Echo Johnson, Miss August 91 and January 93. Ladies, I'm so excited. We're finally freaking gonna do this. Thank you, I know we've been talking about it for a minute and I just, love the concept of us doing it together. So let's roll. We've talked about like, hey, you got to come on our show or no, hey, we got to go on your show. And we're like, well, why don't we just do it together? Like one big show and let's have some fun, man. You know, and, and, and I love it. And I love it with you ladies. you know, Corinna echo is, is when you guys came out with the concept of wanting to do the podcast, you guys blessed me to reach out and say, Hey, what do you think? We're going to do this. And I got to, you know, brainstorming with you ladies and look what you guys have done. Let's see how long have you guys been on the do we say do we say on the air? I mean when it's podcasts. I mean I'm a radio guy. I guess. come from a radio background. So we were like, why aren't you doing a podcast? And you guys have really taken off and here we've had our fits and starts, but it's, you know, it's been a beautiful thing. what did we start this? was, we recorded our first round of shows in 20, was it 21 or 22? I feel like it was 21. Yeah, it was because I, you know, it's one of those things that sticks. ended up with cancer in 2022. So we had, it had to have been 2021. Yeah. so it's been, it's been quite, I mean, it's been incredible. My most favorite part has been just reconnecting with our Playboy family and... Corinna and I always say this, like, we've learned so much more about the history of Playboy and Hugh Hefner as a whole. Like, it's mind-blowing. Every time we talk to a guest and have an interview, like, we literally pull out a golden nugget of history that we're like, wait, what? We had no idea. So that's been absolutely fascinating. Well, Brian, for me, I mean, it really is. one of those also kind of decade to decade because I never knew Brian. I had my daughter, because my daughter's going to be 30. How crazy is that? So I was raising my daughter during those years. Yeah. husband heard that. He goes, no, she's not. wish you could have heard him. But anyway, think he's fucking around, But anyway, what's so funny is I remember when I first met you, Brian, I just loved you right away, which is another testimony to the like whole family vibe and feeling. we found we have so much on common and we're like, my gosh, how come we weren't hanging out and talking back in the day? I got there in 96 and let's see, you were 91 and Echo 93, Victoria 96, the year that I got there. And we've seen some major transitions. That's what's really been fun, And especially when I talk with Victoria, it's like the transitions of being there when The boss was married, you know, and he was with Kimberly and it was a different world because it was a family environment. I mean, the big sign that everyone talks about, know, playmates at play as you drive up the driveway, used to say kids at play, you know, because, you know, Marson and Cooper would be out there with their little tricycles or whatever cars and some playing around and having fun. And we got to witness that. And then the transformation and then change for the boss coming back out. I think it's pretty cool I think it's neat that, cause I look at like Victoria and Echo being able to bring their kids there. And I just, I never, I just never did, we kind of missed that window of when that, cause HEF started, you know, it became even more family, think after. He and Kimberly broke up, oddly enough. That's when you guys started bringing the kids for Easter. And I remember thinking, my gosh, that would have been amazing. I didn't never really get to introduce my daughter to HEF and you did think that's something that you guys did. we have another guest on the show. What's the name of Barky? You're barky?? Well, that was mine earlier. Maybe just bring them up on your lap. That's what I have to do. LB, I'm sure one of my dogs is gonna end up on my lap. let's do a call out for all of our pets. Okay, let's go around. Corinna, how many pets do you have? my goodness, I have four now. Well, and tortoise and goldfish. So I have a full, a fancy goldfish, four dogs. this Clancy come meet them. Come here. Come on up. Well, don't know. Well, this is, well, here's Clancy. We may as well introduce them if they come in. This is Clancy. Clancy is my. if they're going, wait a minute, why are you introducing your dogs? You got to understand where we come from. The mansion was all about pets, right? I mean, Kimberly had tons of really cool freaking dogs and we got to know all the dogs. The butlers had to take the dogs out and we got to actually get to know them. And then unfortunately, some would pass away. We have the pet cemetery. Victoria, who we got there? Aw. Gee. Just the letter G. reminds me of LB part, that part chihuahua is a... Yeah, chihuahua, aww. Yeah, you're being noisy. I just want you, mama. I just want you right now. It's funny flashbacks to come in your head like simple statements like hey, what up G and all of a sudden I thought about G security guard G remember him and is like whoa hey what's G up to you know echo do you have any pets? No, she doesn't. She doesn't like this subject. You have any pets? your recording track. Okay. No, I don't have any, I don't have any pets. I have a 13 year old daughter, but she's not a pet. But when I'm going to move to where she is soon in the next couple of months, we're talking about getting a cat or a little dog. So hopefully. Cool, go rescue. Rescue, rescue, rescue. Yeah. I have a turtle. It's easy red ear slider. And. I wish I could tell the background story of him. I really shouldn't, but but the way, but he's really unique and his yeah, his name is Elliott. You know, just like an ET. Here's the crazy part. I have trained him to actually follow me along when I feed him and nobody believes me when they come over and I'm like, you gotta see this. He's like a dog and he'll like go back and forth and then. I believe it. It doesn't like turtles. Mine, mine says. like turtles. Yeah, mine says recording. recording it says 98 % uploaded. We just lost. it must be on Echo's side. It's still recording here. we're still recording. But something happened with her end. But she's the she's the one she's the host, right? I know she disappeared. I'm gonna tell her don't. Not gonna lie, I got some good lighting going on right now. Brian, who'd you get the turtle from? told me the story and I forget now. Okay, we can't put this out there because I don't want to get anyone in trouble. It is literally the last living existing turtle from the mansion. that's very special. We're still recording at our end, so I think we're fine. Yeah. And you'll, yeah, all good. Okay, wait, Victoria, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Victoria, it's saying you have other open tabs in Riverside. Do you have any other open tabs? No, that must be old. I don't have any tabs open at all except for this tab. Ask Victoria to close all other browser tabs open with Riverside. What the hell is going on? Yeah, go ahead and do that. Just click on that link again that I sent you. Okay. Well, I hope it's still recording all that. Yeah. Yeah, I can see it on my end. It's uploading, but. Well, this is just going to be an exciting. everything we were talking about while you were coming back in and out. Okay. Cause we did a lot of good shit talking during that time Echo, you missed it. It was good. like, she must really hate turtles. Jeez. That's funny. Yeah, my tortoise, I believe you about that turtle. They're very smart. My tortoise knocks on the door and I make him a salad. Knocks on the door. Yeah. wakes up and then he starts banging on the glass. I'm like, dude, I don't look up. I'm like, dude, no, go back to sleep. And then you see him like sink down like, damn it didn't work. you. You're so smart. I'm telling you. And that's like real. I love it. I honestly think that he can count. Because I give him six pellets for breakfast and then he knows he gets two pellets snack when I get home from work. And he can he can figure out like OK, there's that one. There's that one. I got it. I got it. OK, no, that's it. We're good. I'm like he doesn't keep my going. Have you figured out how to count or like if I if I'm like one less? I've tried it and he'll just keep looking at me like. You're missing one. I believe it. fucking weird. You know they outlive us yeah, yeah, by far, especially desert tortoises. mean, mine's a desert tortoise, yeah, and he is pretty amazing and they live to be, they say into their hundreds. I'm like, holy crap, so. mine's gonna be into their 80s. think it is. Yeah, tortoises live longer. Is Victoria able to get back in? What's happening? seeing her yet it'll say that she's waiting when she's in Hmm. Sorry guys. No worries. You know, this is part of it. I'm sure Brian gets it. He's been doing it. it's, yeah, it's technical difficult. content out of this, though. I am quite excited. good behind the scenes too of us just chatting at the beginning. Corinne, I want you to do that arch again with your butt in the camera. missed. Yeah, arch your back. Let's see, let's see Corinne's arch. All right, Victoria's with us. Yep. we go. Very cool. all right now we were talking about you Victoria everybody Shh I'm quite on the set arch back I'm just going to go right back into where we were. We're all back. We're back. Tits out. All right. You're so silly. How do you ladies like the beard? It's winter beard time. Winter beard time. It gives me more of like a gets rid of that freaking what's this thing called? Yeah, gets rid of that. I like it. OK, let's see. I'll just continue right where I was ready. So yeah, it's really crazy. you like, so friends will come over, I'll show them, but you know what's really fun? Not just having him chase the food pellets for fun. It's the best $2 entertainment ever. What you do is you go to the pet store and you get the feeder fish, the little goldfish, and you dump them in, and then you play Jaws in the background. my God, that's so much fun. see. Write that up for us. so funny. What's what's with the look Victoria? Come on! You need to do a little video. You need to do a video. I have, put it out there. I'll put it out there. People need to see this. I'm telling you, it's the best entertainment. I have my great niece, Bella, and I'm like, you wanna feed it? You wanna feed him? Yeah! And then we put him in and then throw on jaws and watch him like go cruising around. It's so much fun. It's a blast. So I know we're getting, we were talking about like, know, growing up at the, actually not growing up. Let me rephrase. So we were talking about being at the mansion in the 90s and watching the transition. Into the 2000s and on and here we are. I'm excited for this show ladies and but we for us need to take a quick break. We're going to be right back so we can get a little sponsorship out there and we definitely want to remind everyone about Children of the Night. OK, it is the holiday season. Please donate to children of the Make a difference. Help donate will be right back. You are listening to. Rogue The Bunny Mayhem and The Bunny Chronicles. Alright, so you don't have to use that. You don't have to use that echo. You know the break would just keep going. OK, so let's see. was saying. end and the mayhem continues. No, that's at the end. We only did one break. That's break one. So let's go. Let's go back in. OK, so you know anyway, ladies, I'm I've been jibber jabbering it. I'm handing it over to you. Come on, explain to everyone that's listening. What it was like in the 90s. Let's go through the decades. What do you think? don't know, I wasn't born yet. She said she wasn't born yet. Alright, so Miss Corinna, August 91, wasn't born yet in the 90s. daughter was born in the 90s. I know, misclaiming of the year 92. know, my opinion, Brian, I get asked this a lot. And I feel like for some reason, the 90s were a very supreme decade. A lot of, a lot of reasons. The playmates were absolute standouts. They really, really were, you know, and that can be up for, you know, discussion. I'm sure people have their favorite decades, but there was something about the 90s. And also was a great time of change in the world and within Playboy. And so we were there for all of it, you know? And it was, mm-hmm. used to make a joke, I'd always say, I'm a woman of the 90s. I used to say that all the time. I'm a woman of the 90s. But there was, I know what echo means by that because there were, it was just a, it was the 90s. Every decade is an era and it was, there was a certain kind of freedom, but yet it was. kind of wholesome, which is weird to explain that. And a lot of very natural girls that it wasn't something, this is what I noticed with a lot of the playmates in the 90s. weren't, because some of the girls I've talked to, it wasn't an aspiration. They didn't know much about Playboy. It was kind of something that happened to them and they were discovered instead of, Ooh, that's an interesting take, yeah! It really is. Echo and I talked about this. Someone approached Echo to model. And, you know, and then she ended up doing German Playboy. She wasn't ever looking to do Playboy. And it was the same thing with me. never, I always admired it when I, because I discovered it when I was like 10 years old. The kids up the street, I had a crush on Carlos and Carlos Crowe. Carlos used to play the guitar and I loved Carlos. He listens to this because I still know Carlos. I'm just... Carlos, Carlos, clean this out. Him and Kenny used to hide their Playboys and I found them and I put them... I saw them... They hid them in their water. It was like the... a water thing, you know, where they check the water. Anyway, but it was on the sidewalk and the... Yes, yes. but where you can turn it on and off. Yes, yes, yes. And inside, yes, totally. that's genius. That's a great idea. That's a good hiding spot. somebody left it partially open. I'm riding my bike and and I I looked down and I was like, what's that? And I opened it and it was magazines. So I was like, why did someone hide them? So then I picked them up and was I had a basket on the front of my bicycle and I stuck them in my basket. You know, the flowered banana seat bike. was like my pink coffee. And then I go to the side street where another light pole and it's like a, hide in there. And I sat in there and opened each one. And I was like, I thought it was beautiful. I was like, wow, I didn't know that this was a thing. And then my mom, and I'm 10, my mom out of nowhere asked me, would you ever do Playboy? I'll never forget that it stuck out in my mind. I thought she did. She didn't. This is where it gets weird. of the blue. she was thinking of, she kind of always wanted to do it. And I never knew that about my mom. And she, and I forget, maybe I told her about him. We were close. Maybe I did. That makes more sense to me. I always remember it as I thought I was in trouble. And then, so maybe I said, mom, I looked at Playboys. Do you know what Playboys are? Corinna with her curly massive hair on her pink bike? Pedaling fast with it with all the playboys in her basket even funnier as I put him back and cover the pit! Imagine if somebody had seen me with Playboys stuffing them and I'm 10! my gosh, it is fun. 10 years old, you're discovering the Playboy, right? You've got the beautiful mass of curly hair going on. And then I could imagine the conversation, Mom, I found this magazine. So hair keeps growing in other places? Ha Exactly, exactly. That's probably, I was amazed with the whole, every bit of it. The fact, I think I was more impressed with the fact that it folded out, that I figured out that each one of them had these things that folded out and they were nude, but I remember thinking they were beautiful. I didn't think, ew, gross. That's what's so even weirder. I wasn't like, eh. I was like, huh. You know, they were all beautiful. I just thought they were beautiful. which playmates they were? Yeah. but it had to have been the eighties. It was the eighties, early eighties. So what's even funnier is you know I met each one of these playmates, I'm sure of it. But I wished I had remembered. I didn't even, I just remember thinking, wow, and then looking that they were real people. I remember one of them with their dog, things like that that stood out in my mind that I thought this is really cool. The funny thing is when I ended up with the boyfriend that wanted me to do Playboy, I had forgotten about all of that. I mean, that's years later and I was almost offended because here I was only 16, 17. And he's like, you know, here's an ad. There was an ad in the paper to be a playmate. Anyway, it's crazy, crazy how life. I remember my first, the one and only Playboy I saw, it was in my dad's room. It was Britney York. But I never thought anything of it. was just like, whatever, it didn't like phase me. I never thought about it, never considered it. And it was just wild then when it all transpired like it did with Greg Gorman. You're welcome. Do you remember? I don't remember who they were, but I remember at some point, like in fourth or fifth grade, did see it was Lisa Matthews. Someone had one. So I had already seen a Playboy before, but then someone had this one. And I just thought, holy moly, that girl is... Because there was something sweet about it, because when they show you the little... like the hometown pictures or whatever, and it kind of like humanizes the girl. So there's something sweet about it where you're like, which is exactly what Hef's intention was, right? Is to create a connection with the girl where she's, you know, the girl next door and all that. And that's exactly what I got from it, even as a young girl that I was like, that girl is not only gorgeous, but she seems like someone I could be friends with almost in a way. So like for me, Lisa Matthews was it. She's blonde, she was tall, she was thin, she was athletic. She just, her figure, you know, she was well proportioned and I just was, I just couldn't believe like how amazing she was. But yeah, I had started to want it to be in Playboy. It wasn't that I wanted to be in Playboy. I wanted to be part of that group of women. because HEF was on the TV all the time, if you remember, like in the 70s. And we would always show him roller skating and doing all this fun stuff. I thought, I've said this story many times, I thought Hugh Hefner was Howard Hughes, the richest man in the world. So for me, Hugh Hefner represented this iconic person that like, I want to be in that world. I want to get out of middle America. I want to work for the richest man in the world. So if I worked for the richest man in the world, I'm going places. And I really wanted to be an artist. And I thought, if I get into that world, I'll be able to like segue into the art somehow. I don't know how I thought of this, which is exactly what happened. And yeah, so that was my whole thing was that Howard, that Hugh Hefner was Howard Hughes, the richest man in the world. And I needed to get in front of him so that I could work for the richest man in the world. I that was the answer to everything. So yeah, that was where I was coming from. I like the fact that we're all sharing like our points of view especially you ladies like when you saw the magazine because I still have some debate with some people that go get confused and They meld the lines and say all playboy. That's pornography. I'm like, no, what are you talking about? They're their models. They're beautiful women and They're they're recognizing that everyone has a certain period in their life and they want to have something that remembers that Would you look anything towards a swimsuit magazine? No. Would you look towards paintings or art back in the day, which are still hung in museums and galleries and adored? And I think it's beautiful. It is still considered adult content because it's nude and for some people that nudity is porn to them. Like if you were to show probably the homage, I'm still porn. triggers in their head, right? It triggers in their head and I just I don't know. I can't change people's opinion of how they see it, but that's not how everyone sees it and. go look at penthouse. That's fucking porn. yeah, see that I wouldn't promote. Not at all. as my who used to say that I think it was my mom. Well, it's not it's not as clinical. I don't like I never got We're gonna take a quick break right there. I love that, Corinna. It's not as clinical. That needs to be a t-shirt, Victoria. Let's work on it. because I had told Echo a story when I was in the mall and these girls, and I was only 18. I had posed for the magazine. I'm walking through the mall after all this and I'm the hometown, everybody knows about Corinna being in Playboy. And these two girls said, they walked past me purposely so that I could hear them. And they snickered and they went, there's the girl that spread her legs for Playboy. Aww. was thinking it hurt, you know, but I was like, you know what? I did not. I did not spread my legs. I didn't spread my legs. Anyway, so there's the difference, right? I mean, I was thinking about that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then Victoria, it's so cool that you and I have discussed this, how you ladies are all part of this amazing legacy and Victoria, you've taken it with rogue bunnies to continue on. And the NFTs aren't nude. No, no nudity with Rogue Bunnies. And the reason for that is because I wanted to keep it mainstream because I wanted to be able to connect with people all around the world without having to be put into a box, which we've been put in for so long. And I just thought it was time to be out of the box. So in the box, out of the box, whatever the box, but no box here. we don't show the box. no, yeah, no nudity to keep it mainstream. And, and also because I feel like, like most of us girls have evolved and I just don't think nudity is a part of us. Be, you know, we don't, we don't have to show our sexuality and, being beautiful. We don't have to take off our clothes for that. I wanted to, I wanted to prove that, you know, to everybody that you, you don't really, you can suggest it and that's pretty much enough. You know what I mean? Like HEF did it correctly. Yeah, you can't match that. Yeah, I love that Victoria. love. all four of us, we're all doing a podcast, we all have our shows. Let's recap again, Echo, Corinna, Bunny Chronicles. I know Echo, you and I had conversations, I remember you used to call me late night go, I got this idea, we gotta do this, but I think for the listeners, right? Let's retell that story, let's talk about how you ladies got to where you're at. I mean, you guys have been killing it. Well, thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean my god, it's definitely been a passion project and I knew nothing about Podcasting how to do it. Whatever. I just loved listening to podcasts and I had gone to Vegas to do a I don't know. It was an autograph convention and I stayed with Corinna hate that she's having technical difficulties. I wonder what it is. Okay, I'm back. So I had gone to Vegas and stayed with Corinna and we came home that night after making about $10. It was one of the best conventions ever. Ha ha! Corinna was like, are you a bourbon girl? was like, hell yeah. So we sat around her fire pit and drank, I think two bottles of bourbon. We drank a lot of bourbon that night. Yeah. them was Japanese. It was so smooth and good. and I started talking I said look I have this idea and I really want to do this podcast but I need someone to do it with me just because I felt like it would be a better show and I needed somebody would name recognition as well and just to be able to kind of bounce off of I just wasn't comfortable to do it alone. Corinna didn't want to do it she was very hesitant at first she really wanted to do a documentary and that's something that we hope to do down the road that's definitely Corinna's arena I never was involved in acting Corinna's arena. Corinna's arena, I like that. you know, after explaining to her like, look, it's just like, it's important, know, HEF is gone and that's over and this will never ever ever be again. And it's history, you know, and people are fascinated by it. Let's do this. So she, you know, said, let me sit on it. Let me think about it. And it was a good six months of just come on encouraging her and then she got on board and we went to LA and recorded. at this shitbox studio that ended up erasing four of our shows, including yours, Brian, with the butlers. you know, we didn't, and they, I know it was the best, but yeah, it's, yeah, it's just been, it's been, it's just been so gratifying to me personally. to be able to bring this to the world. And it's being really well received. Our YouTube channel just got approved for monetization. People really love the video content. And just a plethora of guests. mean, everybody from Playmates to Playboy corporate, obviously Playboy Mansion staff. And we have such a long list of people still that we need to record with that are asking all the time, when are we gonna record? When are we gonna record? So. It's a labor of love for sure. It's a passion project. It's a lot of work, but I'm loving doing it. And I'm just really grateful to Corinna that she stepped in and came on board with it. And I think it's been as gratifying to her. As you know, she got sick after we did the first season. And I just had guest co-hosts, playmates. And so I had Cathy St. George come in and host. That was incredible. I had Carrie Yazel come in and host. That was incredible. I'm going to be doing some shows with Carrie Stevens. And it's just, it's just, it's just food for the soul. It really is. I'm loving it. I'm so proud of you, Echo. Seriously, so proud of you. It's been fun. And I'm grateful because it opened my eyes to just so many things that I had, you you put things in your past and you say, move on, but I do. I'm finding that, you know, We all were a part of something so special and here we are. It goes on. It's a legacy that goes on. And I think that that's pretty spectacular. And that's a rare thing. I don't think a lot of people can be part of something like that. And echo to what you said about starting this and it's your vision and it's your passion. I thank you because there were memories that I'd forgotten and things that nobody's interested in in my world anymore. And it's been very, because it's part of us. Once that's part of you, you have a history. And when we would go into the studio, I don't know if you guys feel this way as well, it took me back to working for Playboy. And the way you execute things, and I'm sure Victoria as well, the things you've learned from Hef. and how you execute your business. I know Brian, you know, you, we've all taken something and you're able to do it in a way that you wouldn't have been, you know, it's incredible. That was fun. When we had makeup from the makeup artists that did all the girls' know, and Michelle, and I never worked with them, I worked with makeup artists that had since retired. and they're the ones that probably retire more than everyone else that's worked for Playboy that stayed for 40 and 50 years. But so I didn't get those makeup artists, but it was a pleasure to meet them. Alexis Vogel was one that I was, it was a privilege to work with her. They met, really. She was a star maker. I always say she made some, you know. But at the end of the day, it felt good to be getting my makeup done the way we do with Playboy. Even today, I'm like, I'm gonna. You know, today I wanted to put on my pink blazer and I feel like Victoria, the way she does things, I felt like how we used to wear our bunny necklaces. I'm like, I'm gonna wear my rogue bunny necklace. you know, that's fun. This is so, it's beautiful. I'm grateful to both of you for, you know, your. interesting too is we're capturing a young audience as well. We're starting to get a much, the demographic I'm seeing on YouTube are 20s, early 20s. And I love that they want to know and learn about the history and legacy of Playboy. I think it's fantastic, you know, because as we all know, yeah. I don't want to say can't be replicated because you always want to have hope. But it's just like I was talking with a friend last night going, Hey, you know, our friend Marcus Victoria, you know, and we're, we're yeah, Marcus Rock. So we're sitting around talking and he goes, man, if I could win the lottery and I, could restart it and get a match. I go, but do you think it'll be the same, bro? I think it, I think it's when the boss was alive and what he had created. It's just like, Could you have parties at Graceland again? Yeah, but they're not the same without Elvis. what are you saying? What are you talking about? What about our making? saying no, I'm saying that era is iconic and needs to be preserved. Now we take what you ladies were talking about some of the things that we have learned from the boss and then we create something new. You know what mean? I just I just I just don't want to get it blurred where it's like, you're living in the past. No, no, we took something from that. We were so blessed to be part of and Victoria, you we've talked and you want to. You want to get a mansion and start parties and events and I'm all, but it'll be different. And it'll, it'll have a flair and a taste of where we came from, but it moves forward. It's rogue bunnies. It's bunny chronicles. It's I just, I just am blessed ladies that you guys have become such amazing friends. And I try to tell that to people. I go you have no idea. My world is I'm probably the one unique person I get to. And we all got to work with you ladies and everyone that you know had jobs and I'm not the only person who worked in the mansion. What I mean is the relationships that I got to develop with you ladies plus because I got to do radio, you know, so I was allowed to get a lot more personal and have fun times or hanging out and stuff. So you've all become my sisters and I explained that to people. I go it's a huge family. It's crazy. I am like the big brother with the hottest freaking sisters in the world. But for us, Rogue Bunnies, Mayhem, we are going to wrap. We are gonna keep going. We're gonna keep recording. We've got multiple shows coming out of this. We are going to sign off and then we will be right back. Don't forget, keep listening every week. We are Rogue Bunnies, Mayhem and Bunny Chronicles. And then we're all gonna say, and the Mayhem continues. And the Mayhem continues. All right, we now, and we need to come right back in. All right, Brett, by the way, Brett, you'll hear that I said that we could take a let's take a quick break. That was at twenty eight fifty three. So you've got your three segments there. All right. We reset. And we are back. Brian O'Leah here with Rogue Bunnies Mayhem. Once again, we got the lovely Victoria Fuller. We got Carina Harney Jones, Echo Johnson. We're all back. We are Rogue Bunnies Mayhem Bunnies Chronicles. Bro, Bro, Lenny's Chronicles. Yes. We've to come out with all new merchandise. So exactly, we were discussing, you know, the passion of how you ladies put together your podcasts. And again, I am so proud of you. mean, echo, can remember those phone calls late at night. Do you think I could do this? Do you think? And I'm like, be careful. Just got to figure out what words you can use and can't use. know Victoria, the same when she discussed about putting out rogue bunnies. It's like, can you use the word playmate, blah, blah. Once you figure that all out, it still comes to the heart of what you're putting out there. And you're putting out, hey, we were part of this family. know when we, Victoria and I discussed about doing this podcast, it was really because of you ladies that I had it even in the back of my head, right? I've been asked, Jessica Hall, who I still need to get her to come on the show. We you know, she had her show at Playboy radio and she would always encourage me going why aren't you doing radio no more? And I'm like Because it's done, you know, there is no Playboy radio. It was fun. I got close to eight years. That was a blast I don't know where to go and I don't understand this podcast world and then Victoria's like hey, we're doing this cool party. We've discussed this where you're gonna do this big party for rogue bunnies You know, I'm thinking okay Echo Corinna are doing this thing. Why couldn't we do this? And next thing you know, we're like, what do you want to do? I'll go, how about we just bring back mansion mayhem? It's the same thing, but we just change it. It's Rogue The Bunny mayhem. The mayhem continues. The mayhem is about fun. You know, people, I love taking a word, right? That people think that's supposed to be destruction and, you know, just like horrible. And it's like, no, it's out of the blue fun. And it's all how you take life, right? Same with the rogue. It used to be a really negative word. Like when we got, when we had some articles published in some like Indian magazines, or Indian news, whatever media or whatever, and some Asian ones, they translated it to wicked bunnies in Indian. And yeah, it was hysterical because that's Originally the word rogue was really, really a bad thing. But now the word rogue is like a really good thing. Going rogue means getting your independence, breaking away from the big controlling. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, and, know, and of course blockchain is super rogue. So, so rogue is, has become a much better accepted, word. Same with mayhem. Mayhem does to me, it's, it means fun. doesn't, mayhem doesn't mean like negative. Yeah. You know what's funny Victoria and ladies I I see other people using mayhem and I laugh. I'm like. That's cool, you know it kind of caught on. You know what mean? When when you think about like some of the catchphrases that like from from our past decades like you know that people might have said and they go on and people start using as a as just a natural told me yeah man and the mayhem continues like do you even know where that came from? This is awesome. Yeah, it is. It's like shenanigans. Like, I used to always put that with my show that when I had that downtown show here, I used to always hashtag shenanigans. don't, something shenanigans, but I mean, that sounds so, I love mayhem. Mayhem just sounds like, It's good trouble. It's good trouble. Good trouble. And then rogue is come on, let's go down there. Let's go down that road, that crazy bunny trail. We're still in the, we're still talking the nineties, right? The parties at the mansion. Do you remember your first party? I went home with Scott Baio. I went out with them one time you did too Victoria I went out with didn't go out with him no I never went out with Scott Biao was just a date night, like we went out and, you know, it was funny. It was very innocent. friend of like, you know, when I first got in, like he was a mansion friend. You know what mean? He was around or whatever. Julie McCullough knew him and my ex John had known him as well. So yeah, like he was definitely a person that he is a sweet, he is a sweet. He's actually very funny too. yeah. volleyball player. Do you remember him playing volleyball on 4th of July? He was like one that was just like killing it, man. those are fun times. So anyway. story about Kimberly stopping him. So he had come up to the mansion to take me out to dinner and I'd been shooting all day and I was like, my God, I love my fucking makeup. I'm not taking it off. And I don't know, had on some like bustier, like, you know, whatever early nineties. And so he picks me up and Kimberly's sitting at the round table. and she sees us and she stops him and she goes, Scott, she's shooting tomorrow. You get her home soon. She was like. That's so cute. that's so funny. How times have changed, right? Like, yeah. wanted to, I wanted to share a story with you, Brian, about, about the development of the podcast and all those phone calls that we had. And you had said, you know, be cautious about, know, what you can say, what you can't say and the term playmates. So when I had registered, the domain name and bought the bunny Chronicles, I registered a couple different domains with the name play with a playmate in there. one was the dynamic playmate duo and it was gonna be for Barbara and I. Barbara Moore and I and I get three cease and desist letters from Playboy saying that while they appreciate my contribution to Playboy can't use the term playmate. So I wrote them back and I included a letter that HEF had signed off on in the 90s when I had created a membership based website and was allowed to use the term playboy playmate as long as there was the trademark, right? So I sent them that. And then I also wrote her and I said, it would behoove you to read and know this case, the Terry Wells case, the landmark case and I it goes 2000. And it was like the Ninth Circuit Supreme Court District ruling that we were allowed to use the term Playboy Playmate or Playmate of the Year because we are and then it applied to anybody who was Miss America, you know, any title that you have, you are so basically told her go fuck herself and then I never heard from her again. Well, I think as long as you're not selling playmate clothing or playmate, you know, like if it's on a product that you're, it's a commerce product that you know, that you're, that you're selling of some kind, that would be infringement. But yeah, you doing a show, using the term. was just like an idiot and I was gonna like cave and and then she's like We're happy to compensate you for your domain names and I was like, no, I'm not relinquishing shit. Here's the here's the case Here's the letter fuck off and I never heard from her again Well, you know, there is always going to be some that are like, don't understand it. And I think that people that have been listening get or at least I hope they get that the intent of the show is to really just give everyone a voice. I mean, unfortunately, and I don't want to go into it. I really don't. I'm just going to make slight little mention that, you know, unfortunately, some things came out that were in a negative light and we were going Well, yeah, you might have a handful of negative over here and you've got hundreds. I mean hundreds of people with great fun stories that we got to be part of. Why don't people hear those stories? And I love that you ladies have done that. I know Victoria I Jen have really been reaching out to people going hey, you want you want an opportunity? I mean we you know. This is your time to shine, you know, tell about it. You got to be part of something cool. You know if you want, you know, and we're not forcing anyone. It's just, you know. Yeah. think about what you just said. Hef, there's no one like him. We talked about that earlier, that there's never going to be anyone like him. Nobody's ever going to be able to really take that torch. There's only one, you know, there's just one. And the thing that's so beautiful is when he was alive and people are going to the parties, I remember everyone always saying, my gosh, can you get me into the mansion? I want to go to the mansion. It's still so epic in so many people's minds. They still ask about it and they want to know. That's why you guys have so many listeners. That's why we have so many listeners. And what we do is we're giving them a different side. We're giving them views from, you know, from security to, know, the different people that worked closely on the grounds. You have, they're learning things about employees that, and the employees never get to share their story. Nobody. I don't mean to be mean, but the playmates, you of course you're out in front, you have that semi, I always say semi, but it is a celebrity. And so you have people that are like, they have a wealth of things you do, Brian. A wealth of things that people never would have been able to see. You have a wealth of things I wouldn't have been able to see because I was just working and I'm, you know, for the most part, I got to be. You know, I got to sit and talk to Huff and he was always so gracious, but you were there all the time. and, you know, it's just, it is fascinating because people don't live like that. They don't have security when your kids are growing up and it's just very few people that really live that way. So it's, it's fun to be part of that and people are interested. So yeah, it could go on and on. And then there's There's, you know, the roots that go here and here and, but here we all are the same tree. It's just fun. It's, yeah. Anyway. know, Corinna and as we've said again, you know, there is only one Hugh Hefner, just like there was only one Elvis Presley. And we can go on and on through a list, but I'm so excited for what Cooper Hefner is trying to do. But we're gonna take a quick break. We're gonna be right back. You are listening to Rogue The Bunny Mayhem The Bunny Chronicles. Okay, and I'll just start right back. So it's really cool that... has actually gotten people together and it's been an announcement. Well, we kind of knew something in the background was kind of going on, but it went public and they put the offer out there. And like I was speaking of earlier, the past is what it was, but if there's anyone to create something that understood, it's the son of the man himself, you know? I mean, we've had a great show with Marston. And he has some great stories of talking about growing up, you know, at the mansion. And yes, Corinna, as you said, not everybody has security. mean, how many people have a Butler staff 24 seven or kitchen staff or maid staff? Right. But those kids are so grounded and humble. And I give big props to Kimberly. I mean, really, she kept them so grounded and down to earth. And you see them, they're such gentlemen and they have such care for everyone. From from playmates to staff, I can't speak enough of them, but what do you ladies think about like, you know, Cooper putting the offer out and now it wasn't accepted, but I don't think I think this is just a start. I hope it's just a start. think, think, you know, Hefner is definitely the magic behind Playboy. And if anybody was to attempt to fill some really big shoes, it would be Cooper. We've always said that Cooper had the personality. He looks like Hef. He's, he's got the charisma. Everybody loves him. He's classy. you know, and in, and he's, I just, I just think that he does, he definitely has the magic that, that encapsulates. you know, Hef and who knows him better than his own son who's, you know, he's a worldly person, Cooper is, and you know, not sure why, who knows what's going on with all of that, but it would be, it would certainly be a very exciting time to kind of bring it back to the family and see where it could go. I mean, we know that Playboys announced that they're relaunching the magazine and. They want to bring the playmate back and the centerfold and all that. And so we'll see what they have in store. But yeah, I just, I think that nobody can do it like a Heffner can do it. just, you know, I mean, he's the legacy. Yeah, he's the legacy really he is. you know, we're all behind him. You know, we're all, I know there's so many of us that are like rooting for him and. hoping that him and Christie probably, she's probably involved on some level, I would hope. But you know, like kudos to him for raising a hundred million dollars, my God, you know, it's incredible. I'm actually surprised he didn't even raise more because I'm sure there's probably many people out there that would love to jump on the bandwagon with him and maybe he's just being particular about what he's doing, but he's really super smart. And if anybody could do it, he could. And you guys, I would love to have him and Kimberly and Christie on. I just thinking about that, especially Christie and Cooper and get their take. I would love to get Christie's take on on her brother's offer. And That would be an interesting. Yeah. have so many things to say about that beautiful woman. She is just a she's so iconic. She's so smart. And there's such a grace about her. You know, when I talk with all the butlers like Alan Loeb, or, know, Anthony Gonzalez, or, you know, all the different butlers, Dan Gibb and JD, and, you know, we all go back and you just go, man, Christie was just, she was she was the true grace of a woman that that was strong and empowering. I mean, she ran the company for a very long time and yet she always took the time to reach out and say hi. Did you know that like, mean, for those, think we spoke about it, but we have our mansion reunion where we all get together. She had heard that it might be the last one. She flew all the way out, flew all the way out just to hang out with all of us at a picnic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, David and Lewis always come out. That is really cool, but I was so cool that it's like she took the time and she went around and just said hi and thank you and it's like I think she could see like this is her father's legacy here. It's like we've said this before. Hef has done more than just create a magazine. He created a family, you know and. our last. Hopefully it's not our last. Now we won't let it. figure it out. And huge props to Kia Wells. She works her ass off to make that happen. She's the one that puts all that work in. It's insane. It is really cool, but it would be fun to do more events and I think ladies we could join forces and do some bigger events. We had a great one that we discussed about over at the Sky bar and it was such a trip to see girl after girl coming in and staff after staff and you're like, are we back at the mansion? We had, well, there was 750 people. It was at the Sky Bar, the Mondrian. 750 people came through the doors. was 25 centerfolds, playmates. And, you know, all, a bunch of the regulars from the mansion. mean, so many people were, you know, Jimmy Van Patten. mean, you know what I mean? And Joel and Allison and Marcus Sherrock. those kids. swear Joel and Allison, just you see them and you light up and you're like, we're back in the dining room at the mansion. are real us. came, Micaela, Doc Saginar's wife, she came and there was so many people. There was just, there really was so many people that came and supported and I was really excited to kind of see everybody again. I knew it would take probably having something in Los Angeles to get all those people together. But just so you guys know, Rogue Bunnies is trying to get back into Vegas and do an event coming up in May. So. WOOHOO! God! Woo! I'm so excited. Yeah, because that was spectacular. place? The Sky Villa where we did it last time, right? Verona Sky Villa, was where Elvis used, it was his suite at the, it was called the International at the time. He had a 670 concert, you know, he had a thing there where he was there for almost 700 concerts in a row. And so that was his room, his residency. It's now called the West Gate. It's the West Gate and it's a beautiful hotel actually, but the Verona Sky Villa is like, it was used in the movie, Hangover. And it's 16,000 square feet and it's on the roof and it's got a pool and it's got three rooms that are suites onto itself. But Elvis has his bedroom and like, it was really great space to have a party. Cause not only is it iconic, but it looks like a mansion on the inside. When you go inside, it looks like what you would think a mansion looks like. It's just, it's just next level. So I did call and I am in touch with them again. It is available for the dates that I want. We're trying to get it in conjunction with this big Bitcoin convention that's happening in May. So I'm trying to get sponsors and stuff going, but certainly you guys have to be there if we do. And you would be welcome to film your podcast there and everything, of course. So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to start assembling people and sponsors and everything and getting kind of a jump on it. So yeah, so it's exciting. what I can do to help too, Victoria. was that? Remember the cartoon back when we were young that were like Superman and you know what mean? Batman and Aquaman and Wonder Woman. They all got together. What was that? Remember? The Justice League. We're kind of forming our own Justice League here. I mean, come on, Rogue Bunnies, Mayhem and Bunny Chronicles. Look, come on, joining forces. And I think we need to encourage more of those, you know, of our sisters out there and that are like pushing on something that we are. It's like, let's join forces. Let's keep things moving. Because I think there is power in numbers. I really do. absolutely. We're doing it. So how about you ladies? you guys have any events or anything that you've been working on? No, just I mean, I'm actually or we're getting geared up to do a whole other round of interviews. We got access to a great studio at Carrie Stevens home and then CNO. So over the next three to four months when I knock out, it's like I have 20 people on the list that want to do interviews. So. And we have some other things in the works that we can't talk about yet, that look. Well, yeah, exactly. But it'll be good. everybody, you know, we all, again, lockstep, take each other's arms and move forward with things. But it's, yeah, I think we have some good things coming. Yeah. Yeah. And then merch, have merch. Merch Merch Merch right guys. We all have our merch. I know that with rogue bunnies and and mayhem and and The bunny Chronicles. Yeah, I love though. I love that hat. I love it. I have a picture of Victoria and I just shirts for us, but Victoria, do you think we can get shirts made and start offering those to people? Because I've had people say, dude, I want a shirt. Yeah, these were handmade by an artist and here I'm in Houston, handmade by my friend. So they were really expensive to make, to mass produce them, should, you know, I have to get a whole like print on demand probably website going where we can just start offering stuff. Yeah. We got to use a Dutch. Dutch is an amazing artist ladies. my gosh. This guy is so good. But for we're going to take a quick break and I just want to remind everyone it is the holiday season. Alright, this is when you can. You can really make a difference and we're hoping that this isn't just just during the holiday season. It's something that you start contributing to throughout the year. Children of the night Hugh Hefner helped start the organization with Doctor Louis Lee. We did an entire show on it. Please go back into our catalog, you'll see about it, but go check out We'll be right back. You are listening to Rogue The Bunny Mayhem, The Bunny Chronicles. All right, reset. Or is it The Bunny Chronicles? I forgot to do it. Is it? It's The Bunny Chronicles. I'm sorry. You need the in there. OK. OK, ready? is it just now I'm okay. Now go ahead, what? Is it bunny chronicles or the bunny chronicles? you... Yeah, yeah. I forgot to do a filter this whole time. well. Okay, well I'm blitting everything, but I would have blurred. There's a, but well. well, we're good. Alright, we're back. So ladies, I was bringing up it's the holiday season for everyone that's listening right now. Come on, you know everything kind of melds. You have everything from Thanksgiving. You have Hanukkah. You have Christmas. New Year's is around the corner. It's just it's like it's a such a festive time and I just wish people acted like the holiday season throughout the year because people tend to be more giving and and and just. gracious and welcoming and we all get together. Do you guys remember the holidays at the mansion? I was never, I know Victoria definitely, but I never, I was never there during the holidays just for parties. Yeah, Chris, we go Christmas Eve and then we go Christmas Day. So Christmas Eve, we'd do the all the pictures, the group pictures and do all the stuff. And then Christmas Day, we'd come for the big dinner and everything. And it was, it was always such a good time because it was just a such a nice group, but it was always such a beautiful, so beautiful to be served this amazing turkey dinner and the whole thing. also all the, he had a special place settings like the flatware and everything was different for the holidays. And it was always like the best stuff that was in that little closet right there in the dining room. yeah, remember in the dining room? Did you ladies know that? OK, when you go in the dining room, you'll see there's the windows right that face out towards the front and then you had on each side the wood paneling. Did you know those are secret drawers? They opened up. Yeah, they opened up. There was a special button you hit inside the silver closet and those things would open up and all the special buchalati. All the the the we had in the safe in the kitchen by Chef Carter's desk was a safe that had all the silverware, but all the the the plates and the cups and the glasses and all that stuff and the coffee mugs and it's just gorgeous stuff all got brought out for the holidays. That was fun. I agree Victoria. in the auction, which was really weird. The auction was really weird to see all the things that we used to sit on and be around for all these years. We're now at this auction being like dispersed around the world to people who were buying them at the auction. And I wish I had bought the flatware and the glasses. It all came in one, you know, like they sold it all as like a lot. And it didn't even go for that much. Like what, $2,000 or like some stupid amount. I'm like, my God. We can't get this whole set like this at Macy's. Yeah, it was. mean, so iconic. I don't understand any of that. It makes me so sick. And I always imagined, I always imagined all of everything there being behind velvet ropes and it being the museum because it would have, so many people would have shuffled through to see all of it, all of it. couldn't have made a contract with all the shuttle buses that go by and do the tours. There's no reason they couldn't have made a contract with a certain shuttle company, had that go up into the mansion grounds and then do a quick tour. That would have been great. People would have totally paid for that. I know. happened. And what happened to all the photos? I do wonder about that. All those photos. There's so many I know that I wish I had like with Wesley Snipes and all these celebrities that I remember getting my picture with and we didn't have cell phones. We didn't have any of that. you talking like Victoria said, the scrapbook? Or are you talking about like all the photos that used to be up in the hallway upstairs? two, but I mean, as a guest, I cannot think, she's leaving my head. Yes, I all the photos of everyone that came through. Yes, so I guess if he had put those in his scrapbook, then where are all of those photos? Okay. Enough said. Yeah, so but back to the holidays. I was just talking with one of the butlers the other day and we're like wow, we'd be getting ready to put the Christmas tree up. I go this is what would be going on and that was a blast. I mean it was so fun because I remember everyone would go. I want to do it. I want to do it. Everyone get excited and it was almost like what I remember and for anyone that's you know younger listening going what's tinsel? Tinsel was a big deal. you know, the boss was all about iconic, you know what I mean? You know, time periods and remember that Christmas tree? Did you know we had a role? Mickey Pearson is really the one that kind of orchestrated that whole thing. And he would get some of the butlers like Kia Wells and Deandre and Bryant and, you know, Carlina and each piece of tinsel had to be put in one by one. One by one. And it took. It took a few days for them to decorate that. have the, do you remember the train? The whole train that went underneath? I mean. Keep that up for the New Year's Eve parties. Wasn't it still up during New Year's Eve or no? Yeah, that's why when you're telling me this it's been so many years I didn't go like you you know I wasn't there all the time, but I remember because was it Or maybe it was a yeah, never mind. I'm like I I was at the Midsummer Night Stream parties mostly I wasn't No it was not. I'm even thinking of... No, no, no, no, no. So I just realized I was never at a... I felt like I was at a New Year's Eve party. But I think I would remember, it may have been a picture you showed me then, Echo, of New Year's Eve. I remember the tree because I was always there in the summer when I look back. wasn't... missed a Christmas. So my family always had to celebrate all my holidays, like just before or just after, because I'm like, well, I'm to be with them. So Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Valentine's Day, Super Bowl, any of those milestones, Hef's birthday, his Casablanca night, all those things, I was unavailable. to my family and they were all on board, like we totally understand, which is fine because my mom would be able to buy the turkey on sale, right? Because it was like the day after or whatever. But yeah, so I never missed from 97, which is when they opened the parties back up. Well, 96, the New Year's Eve, I went to New Year's Eve the night my issue was out. But from 96 until... 2016, I guess, is when he kind of stopped the parties. It was really like a year before. I went to every single, I don't think I ever missed any of those events because I was like, you never know. One day it's not gonna be here. And we always said that, we'd go on a Sunday and we had dinner and a movie and we'd be able to walk around the grounds. And I had my daughter there and everything. And I always thought, one day it's not gonna be here. So I always wanted to just... take a breath and like really absorb everything because there was something really special about that property and the energy that he brought an energy to that property that's like really you can't explain. And it's still there. mean, Brian and I were not too long ago up on the property and we were, for me it was still there. It was like, I still feel there's just still something about that property that is just. that's, you know, it's a very, yeah, it's just, an incredible feeling. It's a great six acres. Let's just put it that way, like 5.4 acres or whatever it is. It's just the most incredible land in that area and the trees and the foliage and everything. It's really its own country almost, you know what I mean? You really feel like you're stepping into something else. You know, it should have its own zip code. It was therapy for me. I remember that was the first thing I would do when I was staying there. And of course, Kimberly, the most I was ever there was when Kimberly and HEF were married. And I would just, it felt good. Like you just said, just walking, walking. I loved those spider monkeys and getting in there and feeding them the grapes and the grabbers. I would hold it as long as I could so could feel their hands. you share the story? Because it's such a great one. Will you share the story of you finding out that you were going to be Playmate of the Year when Kimberly, you and Christina Leardini were walking down the pathway and Kim came up? Please. gosh, yeah, that was funny. So, you know, the fountain in front of the entryway and then there's the pathway that goes to the bungalows or to the game room. Well, we were walking that pathway, Christina Leardini and myself and Kimberly, or no, she walked up to us. She came out the front door and kind of met us. We were walking, I think we had left the game room and we were coming in to eat or something. And she goes, Corinna. It is funny because Christina's adorable. thought, it was before we found out we got Playmate of the Year. It was before then. And none of us knew and it was getting close and all the girls were like, know, everybody wanted Playmate of the Year. And Kimberly goes, Corinna, you know. You're just, when I look at you, you're like a, just an angel. You're like a little cherub. She's like, know, like doting over me. Like, and I think she's part of the reason I got Playmate of the Year. Christina, gorgeous, gorgeous. Like, yeah, to me, she, you know, I'm like, that's Playmate of the Year. But she, pipes up and goes, she goes, what am I, the devil? didn't she say, what am I, chopped liver? I mean the way she was, she was like, Corinna you're you're angelic. And Christina goes, what am I, the devil? It was so funny. It really was. I would love to talk to her. I'd love to get her on here. I love Christina. Well, ladies, we're gonna take a quick break. We're gonna be back for Rogue The Bunny Mayhem break and reminding everyone, Don't forget, check it out. We'll be right back. You are listening to Rogue The Bunny Mayhem and The Bunny Chronicles. Simple. All right, so, dang, we got one more segment for us and that'll make two shows for us, Victoria. We could. make this into a three-parter. It's all up to you guys. We can keep going. We're going. my daughter, let me see what my, cause my daughter just called and I need to. solo with Victoria since we're already set up to just do her interview. Okay. Okay. So for us, it'd be like we have 10 more minutes and then we would be wrapping out. Is 10 minutes okay for everyone? Okay. Aw, look at that. I love Hmm. I found all these pictures. found this picture. Yeah. All from New Years, right? That was from New Year's turning 2000 and that's Cindy Rakowitz. Cindy Rackowitz. Well, let's put that in there, Victoria. Let me bring it back and I'll bring it in there, okay? No, you're gonna show that. That's cool, let's bring it in. I'm saying I'm gonna bring this back in and then you go, hey, look at what I found, you know what I mean? All right. Sorry, I'm eating. mansion, yes, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the whole place just smelled amazing. I mean, we have all the greens on all the sconces that Mickey would put up and we'll have the big giant red bows, the Christmas tree, just the smells everywhere, the kitchen cooking, Waldorf salad, I never knew about it until the mansion. And it's the one thing I had to have every year, the Waldorf salad. But then the big setup, New Year's Eve, my gosh. fun. have a picture that's been floating around. So I don't know if you can see it, but it's picture. It's so funny, it's taking our background out. But this is Cindy Rackowitz and I on New Year's turning from 1999 to 2000, which was an epic, epic party. And the reason why was so epic was because of course, party like it's 1999 song, you know, by Prince. Like I think they play that like. we're all supposed to implode? Remember, that was a Y2K. yeah. Exactly, it's the of the world, Y2K. Do you remember? I remember we had the big clock up. Remember the big clock that we would set up in the tent and Hank would set that big clock up and we're all sitting there and I get excited because I've talked about this getting to do the confetti cannon cannons and but everyone just staring at the clock and there was that anticipation. All right, we're all going to yell happy New Year's or are we about to all freak out? like what's gonna happen? Exactly the world will shut down like what did you think and what's even funnier is we didn't really have cell phones the way we have now We didn't have any of the technology we have now. So what were we freaked out over? It's so funny to think about Remember was it something about I don't remember exactly maybe you can remind me was it something about like the that the when we zeroed back out something was going to mess up or something. All computers... shut down and it wasn't going to understand how to do the zero zero and we're going to lose all our information and yeah. Yeah, we're all gonna. was that was a crazy party. That was fun. But yeah, I remember when I did my first New Year's, because like I said, I got there in 96. My first New Year's Eve, everything was all very beautiful, elegant ball gowns. Everything was black tie ball gowns. And to see that transition from when the separation happened and then the boss brought back the laundry, it was like, wow. That transition was fun because that seen some of the New Year's parties where some of the ladies still came in ball gowns while the others are showing up in lingerie. We're like, whoa, what's happening here? I always wore a gown, by the way. I never wore lingerie ever, ever, ever, ever. Even at the midsummer's party, I never wore lingerie. I either did body paint or I did some other thing like more pajama-y like, but I never, ever wore lingerie to the Playboy Mansion. Bikini was as close as I got. I just never felt comfortable walking. I didn't want to be adjusting like weird stuff happened, you know? So yeah, I always wore a gown. I could, I wore the wall gown. but but you were in body paint. For everyone that doesn't understand how body paint is being completely nude with just paint on. I had lingerie painted on, I just wouldn't wear lingerie. So go for it, yeah. Echo, Corinna did you ladies ever get body painted? No, no, I would have loved to. I was kind of, I was before all of that. That was kind of a new thing. That's another thing that's so cool. remember, I think I saw Victoria in the body paint. have it. so the reason why I had body paint was because mark who I introduced so there was a body painter before and then they got rid of them and then I introduced my friend mark who was an incredible photographer body painter and He he came in and he became the guy that did all the body paint Mark Frazier did all the body paint and he was so he created he wasn't that wasn't even his business He created an entire business off of it after doing the meeting. He was making shit ton of money But every time there was a party and I didn't have an outfit, I would say, listen, Mark, would you mind painting me something? So he kind of saved me quite, he'd be like, okay, you just got to get there eight hours early. He would put me in the, you know, the round of girls, make sure that I got painted. And I tried to keep the design easy. So it didn't take them eight hours. You know, it was just something more simple, but he painted me, I would say five or six times. painted, he painted something for Halloween twice. He painted for, for mid summers a couple times. but I always liked when he did because no one ever had my outfit. So there was never a problem. I was always original. And also a lot of times wearing the paint, he did such a good job. A lot of times people didn't realize I had paint on. If it was like lace and a bustier and you put the sparkles and everything, you know, and it would, I wouldn't, it would be so comfortable not to feel like you have something on, but not to have anything on and not to have to adjust and like be worried about, you know, moving stuff around. For me, the body paint was epic. I didn't body paint from the waist down. I usually had something on from the waist down, but he would always do from the waist up. And he did angel wings one time on me. He was the best. I loved him. Yeah, he was incredible. Him and his team became a really big staple at all the parties of the mansion. and He moved down I know this city moved to the prom springs area I don't know if he still has a gallery there but I know for a long time I was still he was still sending me. Photos of his new paintings it was really he's an amazing artist hey check this without I just look what I just did here my world and really cool really amazing. You guys should have him on. can't get in touch with him. I've reached out to him a bunch. hasn't responded. So I don't know if I just I have old numbers. He doesn't respond. I don't know what it is, but I've said to him many, many times, hey, let's get back in touch. I we were, you know, I was close with him and his wife. I watched his daughter grow up. Then she got married. mean, like we went through the whole evolution of our timelines together. So, yeah, we were pretty close at one time. He did. He was a great photographer. He took a bunch of pictures of me. And then he would paint the angel wings on or he did a lot of like digital art on top of the photographs and so like he was really fun. You know speaking of the mansion earlier how we've been just going back through memory lane and your memories My memory of the first time I ever met echo and Barbara was at the mansion it was that was that Anna Nicole Smith's Playmate of me to the year party and I'll never forget it echo when I met you and Barbara and we just we It was, you know, we're all, we all have this sisterhood, but it was this, and we're the same way. We're still the same way when we get together. We can't stop laughing. wait, I have pictures every time the three of us are together, we laugh and we had just met and we immediately, everything was hilarious to us. It was like, it just, the world cut off and we were in this alternate universe and we would just laugh so hard at. remember when, was it you that said congratulations to Anna Nicole? And she was like towering over all of us. And she was just like, what did she do? It was so funny. we started. It was almost bizarre. remember that's why we started laughing because I ate with her in the dining room multiple times and, you know, had kind of gotten to know her a little bit, but she just, you you click with certain people and you don't click with certain people. It's not that I never clicked with her. just, it was almost like she, she was in a, it was, was almost an innocent, like she was starstruck herself. She, remember? And she's like, I don't know. was, sweet. You're so sweet. She goes like this. you're so sweet. You're so cute. We just started laughing. She didn't mean to do anything. We were just in our... But she was like on something or something. and she might have, maybe she was. It was before she got bad, but it was funny enough to where we just started laughing. It was cute. She's like. her documentary just recently about her and her life and the whole thing. It's really sad. She was one of the playmates that were so iconic that came out of the 90s. We have Pam Anderson, have Jenny McCarthy, we have Anna Nicole Smith. Who else came out of the 90s? was the nobody between all of them with the LA riots and no publicity. It's so funny to me. I look back, it's like Jenny McCarthy took off. All these people, you know, they're like, woohoo. I'm not like, I don't know. Nobody knew who I was. That's funny. Yeah, they were iconic. I remember meeting Pam before she took off too at the mansion. was my first mansion party. wow. Yeah, my first mansion party and I feel like now that I look back that might have been the only New Year's Eve party because that's what I was trying to think and it must have been because I was in a dress. Everyone was in dresses. So what do you ladies all do now for New Year's Eve? What do you ladies do now for New Year's Eve? gosh. God, I think I stayed home last year. I'm at home. staying at home watching TV? a little bubbly. That's it. I'm like, should I stay up until midnight? I don't know. I don't know. Should I go to bed? There's been a few New Year's where I literally just went to bed and like, I didn't, I didn't want to do anything. There's just no desire. There just wasn't any, there just hasn't been anything that's been like the mansion and like we're a little spoiled. like, well, it's not going to be, you know, like there was one, I think one year Brian, you invited me to a party at Vicks. I think he had a New Year's party and rained. It was really rainy and it was like, I was like, I can't, I'm just, I can't, I can't get in my little car and like, Like it was bad rain. It was really bad rain, but that was the be the same the way it used to be. Holidays are still to me in my head at the mansion, even though I work for an amazing gentleman and he has his own mansion and we do do parties here. It's still like you said earlier, Thanksgiving, I'll be working. All my family knows we'll be doing Thanksgiving on Saturday after, you know, and it's been like that for what, 30 years? You know? that you guys have families that also wanted to have your fan because that is a tradition that that how awesome Yeah It's like even my sister Brenda just called me the other day because she worked at the mansion. She was in the housekeeping and she goes, are we working up Thanksgiving up at Vicks? She goes, because I'm available because she knows we're not going to do anything until Saturday. So it's like we would all still work. We'd all be working at the mansion. But all be together. It's like it's crazy. That is very special. we are going to wrap. We're going to wrap, but I would love if we could do this again. Is you guys cool with that? I think this has been fun. I mean, I know we've been wrapping a lot around the holiday season because of when we're putting this out, but there's so much more we could talk about. We could go into so much and what do you say echo? We're good. We're to do this again. love to. We also want to do a one-on-one with you, Brian. I think I already told you that. I want you to come to Carrie's and do a one-on-one, because I want to talk about Playboy Radio with you and your show that you had. That'd be fun and everyone that listened to that get your head out of the gutter when she said one-on-one Alright, so we're gonna do it We're gonna do We're gonna sign out you have been listening to the rogue bunnies mayhem and the The Bunny Chronicles and the mayhem continues That was fucking awesome How fucking easy was that? That was great. Okay, so I'm gonna stop this. We can still talk, but I'm just gonna stop this and we are. absolutely. You gotta take that.